“I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state.” ~ Albert Einstein
“Under conditions of colonial oppression, genuine coexistence between the communities of oppressors and oppressed should entail co-resistance (that is Israeli alongside Palestinian resistance) to oppression.” — Omar Barghouti, 2012, Lighting a Torch Within
“Once it is widely recognized that the two-state solution is dead and Greater Israel is a reality, the ‘righteous Jews’ will have two choices: support apartheid or work to help create a democratic, binational state.” — John Mearsheimer, The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. the New Afrikaners, 2012, Inevitability of the One-State Solution
“We have to seek an alternative model. I believe we have found that, thanks to the fertile imagination of a group of Jewish and Palestinian intellectuals and activists: a unitary secular and democratic state for all the population residing west of the Jordan River based on full equality and respect for the internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian refugees. Badil, the Palestinian organization for the right of return, has joined Zochrot, the Israeli Jewish-Arab organization advocating for peace and reconciliation, in tackling the many thorny issues involved in imagining such a just end to the near seven-decade status quo.” — Katim Kanaaneh, 2015, A Pessoptimistic View of Israeli Elections
“After the horror of the holocaust my family strongly supported the Jewish people with regard to their aspirations to build a national home. Over more than six decades I have however slowly come to realize that the Zionist project had from its beginning a racist element in it in aspiring to build a state exculsively for Jews. As a consequence, ethnic cleansing took place at the time of the establishment of (Israel) and (Israel) continues to suppress Palestinian people of the West Bank and in Gaza who live under Israeli occupation since 1967…. The only way out of the quagmire the Jewish people of Israel have gotten themselves into is by granting all living under the control of the State of Israel the same political rights and social and economic rights and opportunities. Although this will result in a state no longer exclusively Jewish it will be a state with a level of righteousness.” — Henk Zanoli, returning a Righteous Among the Nations medal bestowed upon him by the State of Israel for saving a Jewish boy from the Holocaust in 1943, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/08/16/world/middleeast/16dutchman-letter.html
“Support for one state is hardly a radical idea; it is simply the recognition of the uncomfortable reality that Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories already function as a single state. They share the same aquifers, the same highway network, the same electricity grid and the same international borders… The one-state solution… neither destroys the Jewish character of the Holy Land nor negates the Jewish historical and religious attachment (although it would destroy the superior status of Jews in that state). Rather, it affirms that the Holy Land has an equal Christian and Muslim character. For those who believe in equality, this is a good thing.” — Michael Tarazi, 2004, Two Peoples, One State – The New York Times
“We want democracy, not demography…. The one-state discourse is important because it challenges the type of thinking that surrounds demography, and because we are actually offering something for the future, so we are sowing the seeds for a brighter future.” — Ronnie Barkan, Co-founder of Boycott from Within, 2015, UN-CUT FOR PALESTINE